Green Justice Congregation

Consistent with the UCC’s historical commitment to environmental justice, and to serve as more effective stewards of God’s creation, the Community Congregational Church of Chula Vista seeks to become an environmentally sensitive congregation. The Church seeks to reduce, reuse, recycle and use biodegradable products whenever possible, as part of our care for God’s creation.  Non renewable resources, such as styrofoam coffee cups, will be used only when        necessary. Groups that utilize Church space will be encouraged to observe this policy, and to utilize Church recycling bins whenever possible.

“Do Not Be Afraid” November 25, 2018

Sermon: “Do Not Be Afraid”

Texts are:

Matthew 14:22-32; Isaiah 43:1-3a

Preached on November 25, 2018

Rev. Elizabeth Aguilar


Well, as you can see these scripture verses are about trusting in God and not allowing fear to over- take us. The context for the first scripture reading of Isaiah was during the Babylonian exile- meaning the Israelites were being held against their will, in a different land, with none of their possessions, in a different culture, surrounded by different religious customs, and laws as well.  Now, let’s remember –these were the chosen people. So they had to have been wondering why they were suffering so much if God had promised them so much. But now, they are in captivity, instead and not just for a short time but for many year. So yes, they had much to fear.

Thankfully, there was the prophet Isaiah and his words of comfort, wisdom, and warning and here we have his words of deep comfort for them. Here in this portion, we hear him telling them that even in their bleakest moments- no matter what happens to them, they will STILL belong to God and God WILL be with them.

Let’s hear it again:

But now, this is what the Lord says- he would created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel; Fear not for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you a blaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. (and verse 5 says: Do not be afraid, for I AM with you. )

Don’t you love that? God the creator of the universe used his prophet Isaiah to remind them that they are NOT alone. They BELONG to Him. He knows them So well, he calls them by name. AND no matter what tragedies, what calamities, what persecution, what suffering they will face- He will ALWAYS be with them.

I work with people who need this reminder every day. They are on hospice care. They and their care givers need to be reminded of this truth- that God is still with them, has not forgotten them and that they have nothing to fear because of that.

I do feel it is my job as their chaplain to remind them of this truth; that these words of Isaiah are for them as well, today, in their own situation. Yet, I do not tell them they are crazy or that have little faith if they do feel fear.

In fact lately, I have been in awe at the fact that God has created us with the capacity to FEEL so much. Think about it. How many different emotions do you experience in just an hour, a half hour, or less? Probably hundreds.   I mention this because I do not want us to think that our fears are unjustified or unfounded or that that they are a sign that we are somehow emotionally or spiritually, weak. No, God gave us the capacity to feel deeply and sometimes we do have much to fear. And those fears are real.

What do you fear the most? I know that lately our country has been experiencing much fear, collectively. This is on top of our own personal fears, of course. We have the Ebola epidemic in Africa which has now reached our shores. Some of the fear can be of course media driven but nevertheless there it is. I have a close friend who works as a flight attendant with United Airlines. Recently her and her colleagues were given a document explaining how they are to treat passengers with suspicious health issues. I have some friends who are chaplains in hospitals. They too have had to go under extra training with their infection control department to make sure they know how to protect themselves should they come in contact with a patient with Ebola or some other highly infectious disease. We  are now in conflict with this new terrorist group, Isis.   And of course, we have the media telling us that we are to fear our borders and those wanting to cross it because they will take all that belongs to us. The list goes on and on, doesn’t it?

So yes, we have much to fear- whether it is as a country, as a group of concerned citizens and as individuals too who must face our on-going personal difficult situations as well: serious illness; job loss; under-employment; family conflict and discord; etc…

Notice that Isaiah stated “when you pass through the waters… when you walk through the fire…” I take this to mean that we WILL face trouble. We will struggle and yes we will suffer at times.

The pain that some of my hospice patients feel IS real. The fear of losing their loved ones which their care –givers are feeling is also real.

So what is it that you fear? And how are you handling that fear? Are you like Peter in our Gospel story of today, who, trusts Jesus just enough to go out to him but then when he loses his focus he begins to sink? For me this story is precisely about keeping my focus on Jesus. There is so much to distract us from our faith in Him. Some are clamoring for our attention. Our problems, the media, problems our family and friends face as well… Much of it is legitimate. However, the key is to keep our gaze on Him.

When I was a youth I used to take Mexican folkloric dance lessons. I remember learning that what my instructor had told us was true. Her instruction was that we needed to keep focus on a certain object as we made our quick turns. If we did not, we would get dizzy and fall.

I don’t know about you but I must admit that sometimes I do not keep my gaze on Him.  I tend to talk a good talk. I am a stable source of assurance for my patients and their care-givers that God IS with them, no matter what and I believe it as I say it but when I am in the middle of my own crisis, I can easily feel overwhelmed with worry and concern. But it is harder to remind ourselves that yes, God meets us in OUR fear as well.

We limit God, however. We forget that Jesus said that he came to give us ABUNDANT lives. So, instead we settle for very small lives. Why? Because we fear and do not trust.

Friends, I am here to remind you that the God of the Universe, the God who stopped at nothing to show us His love and even sent His SON for our salvation does not want us to live in fear. He wants us to live in trust. You might have every reason to fear. BUT it is how you handle that fear that matters. Do you hold on to it, do you use it as an excuse? Do you allow that fear to identify you? OR will you release it and take the risk of finding out that God is really with you and will really help you with that problem/ that “Thing” that you fear and that He will actually help you not only to overcome the fear but to conquer it AND to find a solution.

My prayer is that whatever stands in the way of your fears as individuals and as a congregation- that you leave those fears at Jesus’ feet and that you allow Him to help you conquer and get to the other side of it. Amen.








Thanksgiving Service 2018

Our second annual Thanksgiving service was held today as one worship service including all three churches that use our facility: Fruit of the Vine, Renewing Life and Community Congregational. Pastor Ruben Rodriguez (FOV), Interim Minister Dr. Sharon Graff, Pastor Tony San Nicholas (Renewing Life) and Associate for Senior Ministry Rev. Victoria Freiheit all participated with English/Spanish translating  by Sarah Ruiz.  The ministers are pictured below along with the lunch that followed.

Sermon for November 18, 2018

Sermon for November 18, 2018

Thanksgiving Sunday and Stewardship Sunday

Psalm 136:1-9; Luke 18:18-30

Sermon Title: Giving Gratefully And Generously


I like to begin my sermons by giving some context to the scripture reading. In today’s Gospel lesson we are presented by a rich ruler. For the gospel writer Luke, this rich young ruler represents the wealthy and greedy of the day. Earlier in the same gospel according to Luke, Jesus has already contrasted the actions and behavior of the rulers/ those who were “in charge,” against what he believes the disciples should be about- which was, humility, service, love of neighbor and one another.

But what is this particular portion of Luke’s gospel all about? A lot happens in this exchange between Jesus and the ruler. Eventually, we see that the ruler sounds defeated as he knows he cannot do what Jesus instructs him to do (which was to give his possessions away.) Then, Jesus seems to give him hope by saying that the ruler might think it’s impossible for him to do this but that nothing is impossible for God!

The main part of this scripture portion is the rich ruler’s erroneous belief that indeed there is something he can do to inherit eternal life- as if it is all about him and NOT God’s grace! But, of course, that concern wasn’t what Jesus wanted him to focus on at all. It isn’t just the future that matters, it is the here and now that maters! If it were about works (only or primarily) than the gift of God’s grace would not be necessary, or much less “sufficient” as the Apostle Paul calls it.

Perhaps, Jesus is calling the ruler to TRUST God with what the ruler loves the most (his wealth) and give it to God.

We all have something we love the most. It can be a person or a thing. But do we love it more than God also?

The scripture reminds us that ALL things come from God. What we return to God needs to be given in humility, in trust. Not to “earn our way into heaven” (because we can’t anyway) but to be Christ’s disciples, people willing to put Him first and foremost.

As time goes on you will hear me preach, teach and talk about what it means to be disciples of Christ. Disciples of Christ know their priorities. It is to serve, to give, to love.

Our world and our nation is hurting. Our own state of California is literally and figuratively on fire. Of course, I know I am not saying anything new to you.

We cannot stand idly by as the amount of people in need keeps growing. For, disciples give courageously and compassionately, to others.

This church has been called to be a blessing to this community and to people around the world. In order to do that we must give of our money, our time and our talents.

We can not ALL give a lot of money because not all of us have a lot of money to give. However, we can be generous in our giving. Whether that is serving others through various ministries here, or pledging 10% of your salary, or both- God will use it. I can guarantee you of that.

But let us give not because we somehow think that will guarantee our way into heaven- as the rich ruler was thinking. Instead, let us give because it is Biblical to give, because God commands us to give; because it is the right THING to do, because people are hurting now more than ever, because we CAN do amazing things for this community through giving.

You can indeed pat yourselves on the back. I’ve read and heard of the amazing ways you have given to other organizations, ministries, people. You have helped transform the economic reality of many a person. You have been a force of transformation, healing, hope and safe haven in this community for 128 years to be exact!. That is quite a legacy of love! But we can not just look toward the past, we must look toward the future b/c again- the world needs our hands, feet, and financial resources. Too much is at stake.


That legacy of love includes all that we do- worship, finances, how we work, learn and serve together, too. And we know that giving of our gifts- both monetary and talents is a form of worship. It is actually a form of exercising spiritualty. It is a sacrifice and it is an also an honor. If we chose not to give generously of our times, talents or treasures then not only do others miss the opportunity to be blessed but we too miss the opportunity to know the joy of giving.

I have a fun fact: did you know that the topic that Jesus spoke most about was money.  Money mattered to Jesus. What people did with their wealth mattered. How people shared mattered to Jesus. How people demonstrated their love for God by sharing their resources with others, mattered to Jesus. If it mattered so much to Him then shouldn’t it matter to us as his modern day disciples and followers?

We are poised in the best location of Chula Vista- right here in down town. We have an amazing staff team. We have dedicated members, lay leaders who tirelessly serve out of their dedication, love for God and for their neighbors.

So, yes, we can be grateful for ALL that God has allowed this church to do and be in this community and in the world. Thank God for that legacy. We can also be grateful for what God WILL do through us in the future to continue to be a blessing to others.

We serve a generous God. We are called to be generous as well. Let us be so.

In a moment you will have an opportunity to fill out your pledge cards. There are many ways for you to give- of your time, of your passion, your interest and yes of your money.

This Sunday I ask that we take some intentional time to be in prayer and reflection about what it is that God is calling us to this coming year. IS God asking you to give more of your money to this congregation? IS God asking you to volunteer and serve in a particular ministry? If you have already filled your card out then pray that God blesses that decision you have already made. If not, then pray that God gives you discernment and a sense of obedience to fill out the card in the way that you think God is inviting you to do so.


I’m going to open up this time in prayer and then after I finish praying, Lionel will play some soft  music as we fill out our cards and spend some individual time in prayer. Then a few moments later the ushers will come forward to receive your offering for today and your pledge cards.

Let us pray.






2018-10-28 “#Grateful #Be Blessed #Farewell”

“#Grateful   #BeBlessed   #Farewell”

A meditation based on a variety of scriptures

October 28, 2018

Community Congregational Church of Chula Vista

Dr. Sharon R. Graff

* * * * *

                   We’ve all been to parties or weddings or even visiting other churches, and when we arrive, we’re given goodie bags!  These magical bags are filled with good things that help us, that bring us joy, that give us comfort in unfamiliar surroundings.  So, today, we find ourselves at a crossroads, a place where our two pathways diverge, a place to which God has certainly led all of us, and from which God will continue to love us into our respective futures.  We (and by “we” I mean me!) have said so much about that past that has led us here, and that imagined, hope-filled future that beckons.  Today is a moment to stand fully, clearly, honestly—with God and Jesus and Spirit and one another—in this unique and loving crossroads, to drink it in, and to recognize that # we are Grateful and # we Bless each other and # we bid one another a very fond Farewell.  So it seemed to me we needed Goodbye Goodie Bags!  I invite our youth and young adults to please distribute those now. 

                   These Goodbye Goodie Bags are my last gift to you.  They are a gift in 5 parts and over the next few minutes, we’ll learn more about this gift by traveling together through a variety of scriptures and singing some songs and probably crying a few tears, as we receive these goodie bags in this loving crossroads.  So here goes!

Tea Light

                   First, you will find a tea light, which brings to our spiritual minds some of the very first words of scripture.  God looked out over the inky darkness, breathed over the swirling chaos, and said, “Let there be light!”  Our faith affirms that light appeared.  Fast forward to the time of Jesus.  He had taught, healed, fed, laughed, prayed, lived, died, resurrected, and toward the end of the first century, his followers, facing the Roman imperial power, were understandably fearful.  So these words, describing Christ’s influence, were written to comfort them:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  The Word was in the beginning with God, and brought all things into being.  What has come into being through the Word was life, and the life was the light of all people.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.

My sisters and brothers, you know as well as I that one little candle has the power to enlighten a darkened room…one small light of kindness changes the direction and outcome of a shadowy conversation…one act of light-filled love and understanding brings you, and perhaps another, closer to God.  Remember this.  Always.  Let your light so shine that others will see Christ.

Let us sing the chorus of this familiar folk song: “I Am the Light of the World.”


                   We Christians follow in the footsteps of a first-century Middle Eastern man who loved to eat!  Jesus ate with strangers, he ate with friends, he ate while he walked, he ate at high holy days.  Jesus made food the object lesson of so many of his teachings, because, well, we all have to eat, and what better time to remember God in our lives than when we do something as ordinary as putting food in our mouths…  Three of the four gospels record that Jesus’ last—and perhaps most memorable supper—was during the Jewish Feast of Unleavened Bread.  It was, and is, a feast celebrated annually to honor the ancient Hebrews fleeing Egypt, courageously moving from slavery to freedom.  When Pharaoh freed the Israelites, they left in such a hurry that they could not even wait for the bread dough to rise.  So they ate that night for their journey ahead; they ate the flat, unleavened, un-risen bread. 

                   Friends, this lesson reminds you to eat together whenever possible.  Eat together when you’re in a hurry.  Eat together spontaneously.  Eat with your new pastor, and invite her over or out for a meal.  In your Goodbye Goodie Bag there are a few kernels of rice to remind you of two things, 1) you do amazing things as you eat together, so eat together often and 2) when you do, remember you are following Jesus.

Let us sing a beautiful poem about the Spirit’s presence in all our meals… “Draw Us In the Spirit’s Tether.”

UCC Rainbow Comma Magnet

Now I move to meddling…  J

                   The largest item in your goodie bag is a round Rainbow Comma magnet from our beloved UCC.  The symbolism is rich and multi-faceted.  I give it to you today so that the truth of WHO you are will stick to you like a magnet to metal.  Hear these descriptions of you in the Christian scriptures:

…accept one another, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.

There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; [there is no longer gay or straight]; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.

Let all that you do be done in love.

Community Congregational Church, you already know these truths, and you have been practicing them around here for a very long time. 

                   Specifically, during our interim season together, you have started on the ONA journey to explore becoming more open and more affirming of our lesbian sisters and our gay brothers in the faith.  You’ve entered into discussions; you’ve participated in forums and Bible studies. 

                   Even before this interim season, however, you’ve been open…  Our gay son came out of the closet here in 1994, when he was only a sophomore in high school.  You made that safe space for him.  You loved him and enjoyed his trumpet playing before he came out, and you loved him and enjoyed his trumpet playing after he came out.  His coming out, in fact, was a complete non-event for this congregation.  As his mom, your response of love and acceptance meant the world to me.  As your Interim Minister for another couple of hours, I remind you that this story is how I know you’ve already got it in you to be open and affirming…you already were with our family 20+ years ago. 

                   So I urge you to continue on this ONA journey.  Invite some gay and lesbian people here and talk with them about what church means to them.  Listen to their stories.  The parents and grandparents in this congregation who have gay or lesbian family members…listen to their stories, too…and you will hear what is needed and you will know what you are to do…

In hope, let us stand and sing one of the most hopeful songs in the UCC hymnal, “In the Midst of New Dimensions.”

Hug and Kiss

1 Corinthians 13…we know it as “The Love Chapter.”  In it, the Apostle Paul writes that,

…love is patient and kind, not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.  Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; love does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth.  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never ends…And now, faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.

Paul teaches us what is love and what is not love.  And then he urges us to choose to love.  In your Goodbye Goodie Bag, I’ve enclosed a hug and a kiss for each of you—a hug and a kiss from me to you—for your love over these almost three years has meant the world to John and me.  I also give you each this candy hug and kiss to help you practice with one another—though it is hard to do so these days—the great Christian truth that the greatest gift of God really is love.  I’ve told you many times that there is a sweetness to this congregation, and your

love will be a magnet if you let it, if you share it, if you choose it.

Sounds like a cue for a song!  Let’s sing a bit of “They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love.”

Bag Itself

                   Finally, the bag itself has meaning.  You’ve no doubt noticed that it is transparent.  My final counsel to you is to be the same.  I’ve joked many times with you that my job here was to poke around in dusty corners and to ask annoying questions…there is truth in that!  While, together, we’ve cleaned up an enormous amount of real estate around here in less than three years…it is also true that you can continue to do that work without me.  You have all the tools you need to keep this ministry humming along.  Bring them out, with joy and confidence, to show and share with your new pastor and I promise you that all of us—you, her, God, Spirit, Jesus, and yes, even me from afar—all of us partners in this ministry will be # Grateful and # Blessed!

                   Now we turn to the # Farewell portion of this worship service today, standing firmly on the foundation of gratitude and blessing we’ve all received from the Divine.  I invite our Moderator, Nathan Purificacion, to join me on the chancel.

Farewell Litany

Dr. Graff: When I joined my ministry with yours in January 2016, I took on the responsibilities of your pastor for an interim season. I led worship services, provided pastoral care, encouraged Christian faith formation, and nudged you to accomplish the tasks God set before us during this interim season. Will you now release me from these responsibilities?

          CONGREGATION: We will, with God’s help.

Dr. Graff: As your Interim Pastor, I took on a guiding role as you reviewed your history, explored needed changes, resolved old conflicts, healed old wounds, explored new directions in ministry, and prepared to move forward with new pastoral leadership.

Will you join me in giving thanks to God for the hard work we have done?

          CONGREGATION: We will, with God’s help.

Dr. Graff: Together we have sought to strengthen the life and future of this church and to grow in faith, hope and love. Will the Church Council please stand? You are the elected leaders of this church. Will you continue on the path of faith, hope and love?

          LEADERS: We will, with God’s help.

Dr. Graff: Will the members and friends of the congregation support these elected leaders of this church?

          CONGREGATION: We will, with God’s help.

          (You may be seated…)

Dr. Graff: Will you each commit to patience and kindness as your next pastor begins her ministry among you…will you support her leadership efforts as she follows the guidance given by the Holy Spirit…and will you practice wise and respectful communication, so that together, your relationship with her will grow and flourish?

          CONGREGATION: We will, with God’s help.

Sharon to Nathan: I return the keys you gave me when I arrived. I thank you for that trust.

          MODERATOR: I receive the keys on behalf of the congregation. We express our gratitude         and love for your wise and faithful leadership during this transition time.

Sharon: My prayers will always be with you.

          CONGREGATION: And ours with you.

Let us enter into a time of prayer, by singing together one verse of Abide With Me…