2018-04-08 “When Doors Are Locked”

“When Doors Are Locked”

A meditation based on John 20:19-31

April 8, 2018

Community Congregational Church of Chula Vista

Dr. Sharon R. Graff

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                   Ordinarily, what happens behind locked doors, stays behind locked doors, at least, in polite company!  But the Risen Jesus doesn’t seem to follow that etiquette!  Resurrection Day isn’t even over.  It is the evening of that same day when the tomb was discovered to be unoccupied.  The disciples have sequestered themselves behind locked doors, behind locked fears, behind locked doubts, behind locked despair, behind locked confusion.  Behind those locked doors of spirit, body and mind, they are safe, or so they think.  Their fears and concerns are safely contained in that locked room; safe from the authorities who killed their Teacher.  Safe from daring to believe what Mary Magdalene and the other women told them.  Safe from The Teacher himself and all that he taught them.  There, behind those locked doors, the disciples can regroup, breathe for a moment, then resolve to get back to their formerly safe lives. 

                   The Risen Jesus, however, has other ideas…ideas not to be curtailed by fears…ideas of a vibrant future lived way beyond locked doors!  Life pushes through what appears to be dead, and the Risen Jesus does so, too.  Scripture says, “he appeared though the doors were locked.”  Rarely a slave to formalities, Jesus shows up, upsetting their illusion of safety.  Yeah, Jesus has a maddening habit of doing that, doesn’t he?!  Showing up, despite our best efforts to lock him and his teachings safely out of our way.  We are in a season, seven weeks in length, called Easter; it is one of my favorites in the Christian year for just that reason.  Jesus keeps showing up. Behind locked doors.  On the seashore.  Over a cookfire, making breakfast.  On a road between here and there.  Jesus shows up. 

                   Several years ago, a biblical theologian looked at that factor in the post-resurrection stories—the factor of Jesus showing up—and she concluded that resurrection was not a “one and done” experience.  Resurrection wasn’t limited to the early morning tomb.  Resurrection—the life experience of Jesus alive again, and yet in very different form—resurrection was and is an ongoing reality, for those first disciples…and for us. 

                   And isn’t it also interesting to notice in today’s story: when Jesus shows up, he isn’t recognized.  That’s worth pondering.  How could the very people who had spent years of life walking and talking with him, listening and watching Jesus work, how could they fail to see him when he showed up?  I’ve heard preachers perform all sorts of theological gymnastics trying to explain that conundrum.  What has come to make the most sense to me—as I live through various seasons of life, death, and life again—is that resurrected life looks quite different.  Resurrected life is unrecognizable, at least on the surface.  When one looks more deeply, however, at the actions and the verbs, then the Resurrected Jesus becomes apparent. 

                   In this story today, the noun is Jesus.  He came and stood among them.  They apparently didn’t recognize him until the verb, the action…“he showed them his hands and his side.”  Then they rejoiced when they saw the Lord.  Their seeing Jesus depended on his doing something familiar.  The other resurrection stories we’ll explore in the coming weeks are very similar.  Jesus shows up.  The disciples don’t recognize him.  Jesus does something familiar, and in the familiar action, they are able to see him for who he is now.  Resurrected.  Changed.  Unrecognizable, except through verbs. 

                   And that, friends, is where the story of Thomas takes on special interest.  Thomas fascinates me.  He is a man of action who sees first, then believes.  In this passage, Thomas goes where we know the other disciples want to go, but dare not.  He says what they are aching to say, but fear to speak the words.  He touches what they itch to touch.  Doubting Thomas, he has been called.  A bad translation from the Greek has brought us that word, “doubt.”  Truth be told, the Greek word for “doubt” occurs nowhere in this story.  Rather, the word, which is wrongly translated as “doubt,” literally means “unbelieving”… which significantly changes Jesus’ words to Thomas:  “put your finger here and see my hands.  Reach out your hand and put it in my side.  Do not be unbelieving, but believing.”

                   Keep in mind that this conversation originated a week before, behind those locked doors, when the disciples, sans Thomas see the risen Christ.  We are not told why Thomas was absent from that resurrection appearance…only that he was not there.  The other disciples, no doubt, tell Thomas about having seen and heard Jesus with them, and if you were in Thomas’ shoes, you can imagine how you might feel and react.  A week passes.  Still, for Thomas, there is no Jesus.  Thomas’ lack of sight is not due to his lack of clarity or his lack of faith.  He has made his needs very clear.  He must see the nail marks and feel the hole in Jesus’ side in order to believe.  While Thomas’ demands might make many of us cringe, or at least secretly judge Thomas as being overtly suspicious, the text doesn’t even hint at such judgment.  The demands of Thomas’ faith are just that—neither gruesome nor unusual—they are simply understood as what Thomas needs in order to believe.

                   Centuries later, developmental theorist Jean Piaget would describe concrete thinkers, and his description fits Thomas.  Thomas needs data, objects and specific events in order to resolve the puzzle of the resurrection.  The other disciples had had new life breathed into them on resurrection night.  Thomas had missed out.  He needs the breath of new life as well.  And so Jesus meets him on his own terms.  And when met, Thomas responds with one of scripture’s most impressive confessions of faith: “My Lord and My God!” he exclaims!  No, this dialogue between Jesus and Thomas is not about doubt and faith.  Initially, it is about believing and not believing.  Ultimately, it is about living in community. 

                   Living in community means acceptance for wherever you are on the journey of believing and not believing.  It means not being judged for your questions.  It means that questions about belief are not ends in themselves…rather these profound questions lead to a stronger and more cohesive community.  That is their purpose, and Jesus makes all of that very clear in this story.

                   The question Jesus asks of Thomas, “Have you believed because you have seen me?” and the follow up statements applauding those who believe without seeing, have been unfortunately interpreted as a divine put down.  It may be the easy answer to assume that Jesus is ridiculing Thomas for his lack of faith, but I think it sells short both Jesus and Thomas. 

Jesus does not appear to be interested in shaming Thomas, nor by extension, any of us who ask for a little proof from time to time.  Jesus, like the God he represents, offers himself in the form and with language the petitioner can understand. 

                   As one commentary writer has noted, “It is not touching Jesus that leads Thomas to his confession of faith, but [what brings about Thomas’ declaration of faith is] Jesus’ gracious offer of himself.”  Jesus, like God, gives Thomas and us what is needed for faith, and he gives it directly, simply, without rancor or judgment.  Why, we may ask?  I imagine so that he and we can move beyond “faith matters” to what really matters in the community of faith.  Think about how the original community would have or could have been distracted by faith matters… questions such as: Did Jesus really rise up from the dead?  Was the Holy Spirit given at Pentecost—50 days after the resurrection—or on resurrection evening as John’s gospel suggests?  Did Jesus ascend to heaven before, after, or during this prolonged stay on earth? How many angels can really fit in the tomb?  We are no different than those early disciples.  We can become distracted if not obsessed with matters and questions of faith.  And in so doing, we may never really get to what matters in the community of faith. 

                   This story concludes with the words, “There are many things that Jesus did…these are written that you may believe…and that, through believing, you may have life…”  Ultimately, this story is about life!  Not about a list of beliefs or a series of unbeliefs.  This story is about moving beyond locked doors of belief and unbelief, and through locked doors of questions of faith, so that your eyes are opened to see resurrected life—new life—right here within the verbs of community. 

                   Bruce Epperly, a process theologian, author, and pastor, speaks of Thomas, not as a doubter, but as a hero.  To paraphrase Epperly’s comments, even though Thomas does not experience resurrection day, Thomas stays with the other disciples…  When he was hearing wild and amazing stories of the Risen Jesus, Thomas could have left for home and abandoned the group altogether, but he stayed!  And that is the point precisely…Thomas’ faith reminds us that living in community in spite of our questions, remaining in community through seasons of believing and not believing, is a strong and sure way of finding truth that will sustain us.  For in community, we do not have to have all the truth ourselves.  In community, we do not carry the load alone.  In community, we can lean on the faith of others when ours is not as strong, for in community, God’s love depends neither on our orthodoxy or our certainty, nor will God’s love be diminished by our doubts or our questions.  For in community love takes root and nurtures.  Behind locked doors.  Despite and because of courageously asked questions.  Through accepting and being accepted on the journey of faith, no matter your current location.  In community—the kind of community Jesus was breathing into existence so long ago—Jesus breathed a way of peace, a way that invites us to move from fear, to move from confusion, to move through unbelief and belief; to move today into life…resurrected life… unrecognizable except for the verbs.  For that we say, “Thank you, Thomas, for persisting beyond your own locked doors—le chaim—to life!”


Amen and Blessed Be!

2018-4-1 “What’s Next?”

“What Next?”

A meditation based on Mark 16:1-8 and John 20:1-18

Easter Sunday, 1 April 2018

Community Congregational Church of Chula Vista

Dr. Sharon R. Graff

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                   What next?  After the Amens?  After the Alleluias?  After the glory and the majesty and the enthronement of the Risen One?  What next?  The good news is, once the music stops, we have options!  There is no one right path leading away from the empty tomb and toward the rest of our lives.  There are many paths. 

                   The gospel stories we heard today describe with stark realism two very different paths.  One, the path of fear.  The other, the path of love.  Mark’s resurrection story is barely good news at all.  Jesus figures in the passage, only by his absence.  And the women, who go to the tomb, are met by a young man in a white robe who tells them the obvious about Jesus, “He is not here.  He has been raised.  Go tell the others that he’ll meet you in Galilee, just as he told you.”  What next for those disciples?  The earliest versions of the Gospel of Mark state, “So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.”  Fear.  That’s what was next for them…at least for awhile. 

                   I’m reminded of a long ago trip to Disneyland with our pretendsy granddaughter, Samantha.  For those of you who may not know, Samantha Hope Appleton-Sackett is our dear friend.  Since her birth almost 18 years ago, we have been her Auntie Sharon and Uncle John.  With her red hair, she is often mistaken as our grandchild, and it is a mistake with which we can happily live!  Now a teenager and on track to become a professional ice skater, at the time, she was about 5 or 6 years old.  She had looked forward to this trip with her doting Auntie Sharon and Uncle John because she wanted to try out Splash Mountain for the very first time.  You know, that’s the ride that twists and turns through a watery path as you ride in a log boat, and at the end, dumps you down a very high hill into a rather deep pool of water.  It was a dicey ride for Samantha, and all the way home that night, she repeated, as if shocked at her own courage, “It was a little bit scary and a lot fun; it was a lot scary and a little bit fun; it was a little bit scary and a little bit fun; it was a lot of fun and a lot scary!”  Over and over, for the hour and half ride back to her house, Samantha’s litany of the day was all about fun and scary and scary and fun! 

                   That’s also how Mark’s account of the resurrection sounds.  For those first disciples, the whole resurrection experience seemed equal parts fear and amazement.  And instead of going out to tell the world, they were, as the scripture says, “seized” by fear.  They told no one anything.  That’s some kind of gripping fear, isn’t it?  Paralyzing fear.  Fear that distracts us, limits us, immobilizes us.  And such fear as we see in Mark’s account is one pathway we can follow after the alleluias of today have faded away. 

                   John’s gospel, written some 40 or 50 years after Mark’s account, offers a very different response to the same question, “what next?”  In John’s account of the resurrection, the pathway that takes the disciples from the tomb to the rest of their lives is a path paved with love.  John’s story of the resurrection is filed with love.  In love, Mary stands weeping outside the empty tomb.  In love, Mary seeks answers from the only person she sees in the garden… “Please sir, if you’ve carried him away, tell me where you’ve laid him, and I’ll take him now…”  Through love, we can hear the passion in her voice.  In love, Mary hears the loving voice of her Master calling her gently by name.  “Mary!”  To which she turns, in love, and responds, “Teacher!”  So much love in that scene, in that glance, in that brief exchange, that Jesus has to warn her off of grasping him just then…  Instead, he sends her out on a mission of love, to tell the others, which she boldly does.  “I have seen the Lord,” she declares, and at least some of them actually believe her!  This path from the tomb to the rest of their lives is a path paved with love and lined by love and guided by the memories and stories of love.  This, too, is a choice we have as we sing the alleluias today and wake up tomorrow.

                   So what next, Community Congregational Church?  What path will you take from the empty tomb of today into the rest of your life?  You have just as many choices as did those earliest disciples of Jesus.  In the face of resurrection, you can run and hide and tell no one.  With the possibility of new life, you can shrink in fear or rise in amazement.  As you ponder your future and make peace with your past, you can see the path ahead as scary or fun or some combo of the two.  As you turn to look for the Risen One, you can tune your ears and focus your eyes and fix your spirits on love.  You can, if you want, sing those alleluias to chase away any fear.  These many pathways are before you, today and every day. 

                   What next?  Will it be fear or will it be love?  No fooling—the choice is always yours!


Amen and Blessed Be

2018-3-25 “This Jesus Parade!”

“This Jesus Parade!”

A meditation based on Mark 11:1-11

Palm Sunday, 25 March 2018

Community Congregational Church of Chula Vista

Dr. Sharon R. Graff

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                   You know the story well.  Jesus asks a couple of the disciples to go to a specific place, where they will find a colt tied up; they are to untie it, tell its human that Jesus needs it, and then bring it to him.  You know the story well.  Jesus rides that borrowed donkey into Jerusalem in a parade of palms and hosannas that has come to outshine the second parade over on the other side of town. 

                   You know that story well, too…I’ve shared it with you the past two years on Palm Sunday.  It’s the story of Caesar’s parade, a military-style parade with all the pomp and pageantry of France’s Bastille Day.  Tanks, flyovers, banners, bands—or the 1st century version of that at least—Caesar’s parade was carefully designed and intended to strike fear and obedience into the hearts and minds of the masses. 

                   When a parade like that goes by, we know who’s in charge.  We know what’s expected.  More significantly, when a parade, such as Caesar’s, marches by, we sense a place deep within us being awakened, and that place is fear.  Yes, we all know that story all too well.

                   But, Sharon, you say, this is Palm Sunday, not Caesar Sunday.  Our parade has palm fronds and hosannas and loud boisterous singing and even a choir that is just a bit enthusiastically chaotic!  Today is a day of celebration!  A day of joy!  This is the day when Jesus rides into the capital city, with throngs of folk cheering him on.  The energy of Palm Sunday is the sort of energy we need in order to get through this week called “holy.”  And it is true. 

                   Seen by itself, the Jesus parade is a joyful, boisterous display of support for this preacher healer teacher from Nazareth.  But seen in its larger context, seen in contrast to the Caesar parade on the other side of Jerusalem, which is happening at the very same time, this Jesus parade becomes counter-cultural.  Not a simple parade at all…but a deeply political demonstration.  While Caesar and his adherents are proudly parading their might and power, while they seek to engender fear and obedience, Jesus and the children and their peasant parents are parading a much different power.  It is the power of simplicity, the power of a plain beast of burden, the power of joy and generosity and, yes, the power of resistance.  These peasants could have been jailed for their parade, going against the Romans as they were.  Yet so seemingly insignificant was their resistance that the Romans of Jesus’ day barely even noticed them out there waving their palm branches and calling this fellow peasant the Christ.  Isn’t that just the way God often works?  God sneaks up on the power brokers—with grace, with joy, with a surprisingly different idea of what just might work—and God empowers the least of these to change their world.

                   We’ve been seeing this dynamic at work here in this country for the past six weeks.  Teenagers from nearly every state in the union walked out of their schools two weeks ago in protest of the gun insanity that has gripped this nation for far too long.  Yesterday, thousands of these young people—not even old enough to vote—made considerable effort to travel to our nation’s capital, as did Jesus in his day, and to capitals and cities across this nation.  They traveled and marched to demonstrate against what the dominant culture has been parading.  To say, as did Jesus, there is a better way.  A way without violence.  A way without fear.  A way without intimidation or forced obedience or domination.  Friends, we know this way…you know this way…it is the way of the Jesus Parade.  And it stands in stark contrast to the way of domination, of coercion and of fear. 

                   The way of fear clashes profoundly with the passionate love of Jesus.  Some of you may recall a very popular movie that was produced many years ago around Holy Week.  It was called “The Passion of the Christ” and with gruesome images, it detailed the final hours of Jesus’ life.  We need not be opposed to looking at suffering, least of all the suffering of Jesus, but what if, additionally, we saw the passion of the Christ as a passion for healing and a passion for teaching and a passion for the poor and the marginalized and a passion for equality and justice and peace?  What if the passion of the Christ was understood and lived by this church to be a passion so deep and so compelling that others would be drawn into the orbit of God through the passion of the living Christ, not the passion of the dying Jesus?  What would that passion look like in your lives? 

                   You already have a glimpse.  That passion of the Living Christ, as it is lived in you, Community Congregational Church, looks like this…[show slides…]  The passion of the Living Christ looks like joy and humor and plenty of food to go around.  The passion of the Living Christ, lived here by you, looks like kindness and inclusivity and friendship and humans truly caring for one another.  The passion of the Living Christ, embodied and emboldened by you, looks like beauty and wonder and making a place for the youngest and the eldest and all in between to love and be loved here on this sacred piece of real estate.  That’s what the Passion of the Living Christ looks like as you live it, as you let it live in and through you. 

                   You see, the Jesus Parade of Jerusalem—with the palms and the hosannas—it was fueled by the passion of the Living Christ, who lived so fully the way of love and was killed precisely because he resisted so fully the way of fear.  Living with you for two years now, has shown me a similar sort of Jesus Parade right here.  With your kindness and your gentleness and your resistance of fear, your Jesus Parade is fueled by the love of the Living Christ, present here at this table. 

                   On the ancient Isle of Iona, off the northwest coast of Scotland, live the descendents of a strain of early Christianity that, like you, saw the Living Christ in all life.  When this community now gathers for communion, they share these words:

“And as the bread and wine

which we now eat and drink

are changed into us,

may we be changed again into you,

bone of your bone,

flesh of your flesh,

loving and caring in the world.”

My sisters and brothers, the essence of your Jesus Parade is also one of alchemy…of changing and being changed by…of changing from fear to love…of changing from disappointment to hope…of being changed by new thoughts and new possibilities and new people and new leaders.  The essence of your Jesus Parade is kindness and patience and a deep knowing that all is well and all will be well.  Follow this parade, and you will live.


Amen and Blessed Be



2018-3-18 “Praying When Wrong”

“Praying When Wrong”

A meditation based on Psalm 51:1-12

March 18, 2018

Community Congregational Church of Chula Vista

Dr. Sharon R. Graff

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                   Today we turn our attention to how we can pray when we’re in the wrong.  And it’s probably best to begin with a joke.  This old joke about making mistakes was credited to Charles M. Schulz.  Remember he gave us that wonderful Peanuts comic strip for so many years.  Mr. Schulz once said, “I never made a mistake in my life.  I thought I did once, but I was wrong.”

                   The truth of the matter is we each make mistakes.  And spoiler alert: God is not at all surprised when we do…and has a path already paved and prepared for us when we goof up.  Now lest we get too daring or cavalier about those mistakes, remember what the Apostle Paul once wrote: don’t just keep sinning so that God’s grace may abound!  No!  However, when we do make mistakes—the large public ones and the small often unnoticed—today’s psalm offers us a healthy way forward.  Let’s look at it a bit more closely.

                   Eugene Peterson’s modern-language translation of the Bible entitled, The Message, translates the Psalm reading for today in the following way:

Generous in love—God, give grace!  Huge in mercy—wipe out my bad record.

Scrub away my guilt, soak out my sins in your laundry.

I know how bad I’ve been; my sins are staring me down.

You’re the One I’ve violated, and you’ve seen it all, seen the full extent of my evil.

You have all the facts before you; whatever you decide about me is fair.

I’ve been out of step with you for a long time, in the wrong since before I was born.

What you’re after is truth from the inside out.  Enter me, then; conceive a new, true life.

Soak me in your laundry and I’ll come out clean, scrub me and I’ll have a snow-white life.

Tune me in to foot-tapping songs, set these once-broken bones to dancing.

Don’t look too close for blemishes, give me a clean bill of health.

God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.

                   The phrase “a Genesis week” leapt off the page when I first read this particular translation.  What is “a Genesis week” and what might it teach us about praying when we’ve sinned?  I imagine that the translator was thinking of the first two chapters of Genesis, when order is brought out of chaos, where breathtaking beauty springs up with just a word or two from the divine voice, when God looks around on a daily basis, and says with pride, “It is good…It is very good…!” 

                   Yes, this is the kind of Genesis week we want and need.  A week of decluttering the messes, a week of bringing order out of chaos, a week when all that is planned actually goes as planned, a week with no shocks, no unexpected challenges, a week of unparalleled beauty.  As the comics often say, “I’d like to live on that planet!”  That kind of Genesis week, as we well know, is simply unattainable and unrealistic.  To expect it is to set ourselves up for failure and disappointment.  For we know that, as when Jacob wrestled with those angels, out of struggle comes certainty.  Wrestling with ideas and dreams and plans and, yes, even wrestling with people, can result in a blessing or two…a new direction perhaps, or a new way of thinking about life.  In Jacob’s case, his struggling netted him a brand new name: Israel, “the one who strives with God.”

                   Several years ago, the Christian Century magazine reported that a church youth group was discussing how 9/11 affected their prayer life.  One young man said he’s not been able to pray since that event, for he assumes that many of the people in those planes and buildings were praying that God would spare them, and their prayers were not answered.  Another fellow

said he cannot pray either, but for a different reason: he assumes that the terrorists were praying to their God for courage to follow through on their plans, and their prayers were answered.  Then a young woman quietly admitted that she is still praying.  She is an artist, and she went on to say that, as an artist, she tends to pray with images.  In her images, the victims and the perpetrators of 9/11 are sitting around a table in heaven, trying to figure out together what happened on that day.  What an incredible image!  What an amazing gift from the heart and mind of an artist!  Centered in the beauty of God, this young woman holds out for us a powerful model of prayer.

                   If the essence of God is beauty and love—not power or authority or dominance or anger or vengeance or any of the other traditional characteristics often ascribed to the divine—if the essence of God is beauty and love, then friends, the essence of our praying, even and especially when we are wrong, is prayer that is steeped in the assurance that God loves us dearly.

                   In this Psalm we read together this morning, God’s love takes the form of forgiveness,

and it’s a pretty healthy dose of forgiveness at that!  By my count, David had broken five of the Ten Commandments including murdering the husband of his mistress, yet none of that kept him from experiencing God’s love full force.  Three profound Hebrew words are used

by the psalmist to describe God’s grace: they are ?anan, ?esed, and ra?amim.  The first translates to “be gracious;” the second “steadfast love;” and the third “compassion” or more accurately, “motherly compassion.” 

                   These three words for God’s grace are found throughout the Hebrew scriptures, as God repeatedly welcomes back those who have strayed and tirelessly seeks out those who are lost.  As one commentary writer has forcefully stated, “…the reality of God’s steadfast love

is more fundamental than the reality of human sinfulness…In short, God forgives sinners.”

                   God’s heart is very large, large enough to accommodate all, even when all have sinned.  As the Apostle Paul so eloquently wrote, “there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God…”  Nothing can stop God from loving us…not even your worst sin on your most challenging day of life.  Given the unmistakable reality of God’s ?anan—gracious character,

of God’s ?esed—steadfast love, and of God’s ra?amim—compassion, it follows that we are to extend that same graciousness, that same motherly compassion, that same forgiveness to all. 

                   If we see God this way, as the force of love in the world, then when we act contrary to love, we are acting against God.  Hence the psalmist prays honestly, and in a spirit of confession:

  1. God, I messed up
  2. God, I am in need of your mercy
  3. God, I am in need of cleansing in your love
  4. My wrongs are against you, for you only act in love…I did not…please forget that and help me move on with your love as my cover
  5. And then those beautifully familiar hopeful words: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence, and do not take your holy spirit from me.  Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a willing spirit.

Or, as The Message Bible translates this last thought: “God, make a fresh start in me,

shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.”

                   Imagine how your life would be different if, the next time you really mess up, instead of beating yourself for what you did, imagine how it would feel to say those words instead… “God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.”

Short.  Simple.  Honest.  Confessing.  Admitting. 

Not trying to hide, yet also recognizing that God’s love is greater than your sin. 

                   God’s love is bigger than any wrong you can even imagine committing.  God’s love is a cover that cloaks you and protects you and forgives you and releases you so that you can live in that love of God and reflect that love of God better tomorrow than you did today.  Beating yourself for your wrongs does nobody any good, least of all you.  Beating yourself for messing up doesn’t please God, nor is it required by God as a step toward God’s forgiveness of us.  What the psalmist today offers is a path much more profound and healthy.  It is a path that says, simply, directly, and with hope more than despair, “God, make a fresh start in me,

shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.”  And as we pray in this way, may we hear also God’s loving Genesis voice assure us, “You are good…you are very good…”  For from love, and love only, we move forward in more healthy ways.


Amen and Blessed Be

2018-3-11 “Praying With Nature”

“Praying With Nature”

A meditation based on Psalm 19

March 11, 2018

Community Congregational Church of Chula Vista

Dr. Sharon R. Graff

* * * * *

                   Once upon a time there was a man who loved God.  Very much.  He was not unlike most of you.  He lived faithfully.  He chose community as his teacher.  This man was asked one day about his journey of faith, and he mused that he could have chosen any path, for humbly he confessed, he had many gifts from God and many opportunities to use them. In the next breath, and with a wink and a smile, he admitted he was very grateful for the path he was on.  Did I mention he was not unlike most of you?!  The questioner asked him another question…why do you do what you do?  And the man who loved God very much replied, “I do it because it is hard…”  The questioner was startled.  Rarely does someone say with a grin that they chose a path in life because it is hard to do, and even more rarely do they admit to that with another!  But the man said it again…”I chose this path because it is hard.”  Then, with a lovely flow, like something let loose from a dam after a long time pooling behind it, the man explained:

“Because I am not sure I can do it all, let alone do it well, and do it for years and years, perhaps for my whole life…I cannot think that way.  I try to be good [at what I do] for a week at a time. Walking helps greatly, I find.  Also birds.  We have a resident heron here who has been a great help to me.  Sometimes he or she is right there by the reeds when I am in pressing need of a heron.  I have come to think that the birds are shared of faith themselves in mysterious ways.  You could spend a whole life contemplating birds and never come to the end of the amazing things they do.  There are many swallows here and I spend hours at a time watching them conduct their intricate maneuvers.  They have the loveliest gentle chitter with which they speak to each other in the air.  Remarkable creatures altogether…”

                   This man who loves God very much, sounds a lot like today’s psalmist, doesn’t he?  The psalmist nearly overflows with enthusiasm as he or she looks up and sees God in the starry heavens; and looks back in time and sees God in the days and the nights; and looks out and sees God through the rising sun and the creatures of earth and the green plants and tall trees and the budding flowers.  A breathtaking moment, to realize that God’s own words are heard through and in and with nature.  The psalmist declares, “Day to day pours forth speech…night to night declares knowledge…yet there is no literal speech…nor are there really words…there is no audible voice…yet God’s voice goes out through all the earth and God’s words to the end of the earth.”  Said simply, God is experienced in and through the beauty of nature. 

                   Friends, this stream of understanding has always been a part of the Christian tradition, albeit sometimes it has been underground and protected from the dominant religious language.  Yet, season by season, century by century, the Divine has continued to shine light through each rising sun and setting moon; and the Divine has continued to reflect vibrancy through growing forests and blooming deserts; and the Divine has continued to speak knowledge through lion’s roar and otter’s chirp and whale singing.  This does not mean that these parts of nature are God.  It does mean that God is capable of speaking love and compassion and truth and even messages of challenge through all of the natural world, including us.  Day to day pours forth speech and night to night declares knowledge. 

                   Today’s psalm is a wonderful example of the type of prayer that is built on this truth…that God can be experienced deeply through nature.  I call this type of prayer “gazing prayer.”  It usually has few words, if any at all.  It is quiet and simple and anyone can do it. 

Here is what spiritual teacher, author and UCC minister Jane Vennard, says about gazing prayer:

Many of us were taught to close our eyes when we pray.  To gaze is to fix one’s attention in one place, but in a relaxed way.  Praying by gazing is an ancient prayer practice that involves keeping our eyes wide open, taking into our heart what the image visually communicates.  We focus not on what is seen in the photo or item, but rather on what is seen through it – the love of God expressed through God’s creatures.  This is prayer without words, where the focus is on being in God’s presence rather than performing in God’s presence.  It is a right-brain experience of touching and feeling what is holy…Praying by gaze can be practiced in community by gazing at one object together…or alone by gazing at the created world in the midst of our busy lives. Gazing helps us attend to the holy that surrounds us in art, nature, and other people.  Like other methods of prayer, gazing brings us into a deeper and more intimate relationship with God and opens the possibility of union with our Maker, the ultimate goal of the Christian spiritual life…[these] are doorways into stillness, into closeness with God.  If we sit with them, we just may discern the voice of God.

I have practiced gazing prayer in museums when I sense a connection with a particular treasure or painting; also in gardens large and small, manicured and wild; most recently on the Strand just last week, gazing at the waves rushing the shore. 

                   Gazing prayer can really be practiced anywhere you can slow down for just a bit, and take some time and attention to notice your surroundings.  Gazing prayer begins with your choosing such a place or a scene in the natural world, and traveling there, either in real time or in your imagination.  And when you arrive at that place where God is displayed, you stop.  You stop your distracting thoughts.  You stop your worrying.  You stop your physical movement.  You take a rather large pause from your usual routine.  And then, as you are stopped, you gaze at God as God is displayed and real in that place of nature. 

                   One of my colleagues speaks of this type of prayer as “noticing prayer,” where you stop long enough to really notice the ways God is telling you something through that tree, or that rosebush or those gentle waves rushing the shore.  You see, in our tradition of being part of the United Church of Christ, we already are inclined in this direction to gaze upon God through nature.  One of our slogans is that God is still speaking…and by that we mean that God speaks beyond scripture and beyond the tradition and beyond the stories of the saints.  When we affirm that God is not confined to the past, but is in fact still speaking, we lay the groundwork for this gazing prayer to make a real difference in our spiritual lives.  For we understand that we are not gazing at the tree, as if that tree is God.  No.  We are gazing at the tree because God can and will speak through it, without actual words and devoid of human speech, yet God will make God’s message to you known in and through that tree as you gaze upon it.  This I can promise! 

                   Gazing prayer does take some practice, so I thought today would be a great time for that!  When you entered worship, you were invited to select a photo from nature.  Bring that photo out now, and hold it where you can easily see it, and I’ll talk you through this first time.  Does anyone need a photo?

                   To begin your gazing prayer, you may want to focus a moment on the candles up front, for flame is a metaphor for prayer, inviting us into the presence of the holy.  Now look at your chosen photo.  See it as a point of connection with Jesus, with God, with Spirit, with the community of faith, with that which you call holy.  Try extending your hands and turning your palms upward, a gesture both of openness to God’s grace and the gift of your hands to God.  Continue to gaze at your chosen photo.  Even though you may feel pressured by the demands of your life right now, try not to hurry this gazing prayer.  Better to gaze for a short time with quiet attention.  As you gaze, be aware of your breathing.  You are breathing in life itself, breathing in God’s peace.  You are breathing out praise and gratitude, breathing out your appeals for help, breathing out your pain and your worries.  Continue gazing at your chosen photo.  And as you gaze, listen.  God is not an idea; gazing praying is not an exercise to improve our idea of God.  Gazing prayer is cultivating your awareness of God’s actual presence.  All you have to do is look—with attention and with intention—and be open to God speaking to you.  As you gaze, rest your eyes on what you see, what draws you, and let it still you.  Though your eyes and thoughts may be drawn elsewhere, bring them back to the picture or image that is the focus of your gazing prayer as often as you need.  Continue gazing and continue to listen.  As you continue gazing, let’s take a moment or two of silence now together…

                   What words of God do you hear? [share aloud]

                   “Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge…God’s voice goes out through all the earth, and God’s words to the end of the world.”  Remember, the psalmist’s world was flat (that’s what science said at that time), and so the message in this psalm is that all beings and elements and particles of nature are mouthpieces for the Divine.  From one end of the earth to the other, day and night, high and low, tiny and magnificent…God’s messages are there for our noticing.  And gazing prayer helps us notice.  Product warning here: I suggest you not practice gazing prayer while you’re driving J, but do find ways to practice one or two stealth gazing prayer sessions this week.  Maybe on a walk, or while seated at a window in a restaurant waiting for your meal, or in the middle of your work day.  Take a deep breath.  Look around you and fix your gaze on something that catches hold of your soul.  Then gaze.  And listen.  And gaze some more.  Breathe in and out and attend to God’s message for you.


Amen and Blessed Be