Sunday Worship for October 18, 2020

Welcome! This coming Sunday our worship will be lead by Pastor Liz Aguilar. Rev. Dr. Jamall Calloway is our liturgist. Lionel Jasmin is our minister of music.

Our scripture is Exodus 22:12-23.

Please join us virtually for this prerecorded worship video which will go live Sunday morning at 9:30 AM.



Sunday Worship for October 11, 2020

Welcome! This coming Sunday our worship will be lead by Rev. Victoria Freiheit. Ester Banayo is our liturgist. Tanya Tapia is our guest musician, and Lionel Jasmin is our minister of music.

Our scripture is John 14:23-29.

Please join us virtually for this prerecorded worship video which will go live Sunday morning at 9:30 AM.



Sunday Worship for October 4, 2020

Welcome! This coming Sunday our worship will be lead by Erika, Esther, Lionel and Pastor Liz. Our scripture is Exodus 20:1-4,7-9 and 12-20. We will celebrate Holy Communion! Make sure to have juice and bread ready for you to partake in communion from your home.

Please join us virtually for this prerecorded worship video which will go live Sunday morning at 9:30 AM.

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Sunday Worship for September 20, 2020

Welcome! This coming Sunday our liturgist is Chris Dunn and special music is by Abner Limbo. Reverend Victoria Freiheit will be preaching on Philippians 2:1-13.

Please join us virtually as Pastor Liz leads us in worship. The prerecorded worship video will go live Sunday morning at 9:30 AM.


There is a survey that is being announced in the service. Here is the link:

CCDC, which is associated with this church, is distributing a survey to determine the greatest unmet needs for seniors in the South Bay. CCDC will use this information to guide its future grant funding. The survey link is shown below, and the survey can be taken in either Spanish or English. We are asking for some personal information, but that is only to be able to contact winners, as we are giving away five $25 gift cards. CCDC will not share any information outside of its consultant, Jessica Ripper of LeSar Development. Please respond as soon as possible for the opportunity to win one of the gift cards.
If you have any questions please contact Laurie Orange at 619-233-3273. Thank you very much for your help!

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