The UCC website: www.ucc.org has ways for all of us to begin a daily devotional life. By going to this link http://www.ucc.org/feed-your-spirit/daily-devotional/say-uncle.html you will find countless ways to begin your devotional life, including receiving daily devotionals, weekly Bible study guides, and other ways to cultivate a sense of God’s spirit in your life. If you don’t have a computer and a used to reading a daily devotional like the Upper Room, the UCC will be offering a 360 day devotional guide in June. the title is: “God is Still Speaking: 365 Daily Devotionals.” The Stillspeaking Writers’ Group, 144 PP—5.5” x 8.5”—Paper, ISBN 978-0-8298-1979-3, RELIGION/Devotional, $15.00 USA June, 2013—Shipping. THE STILLSPEAKING WRITERS’GROUP is eight United Church of Christ ministers, pastors, and authors who collaborate on a variety of resources for people in the church, outside the church, and not so sure about the church. To order, go to the UCC website or contact the church office.